Gunpowdermilk Biscuits

I understand Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion show on NPR isn’t exactly everyone’s favorite way to blow an hour or two of their weekend. While I can usually get a smile out of it, I will typically leave it up to chance as to whether I catch it.


Embedded in this week’s (usually harmless) Powdermilk Biscuit Break is an extra-special, jaw-dropping message to our friends at Goldman Sachs that just has to be heard to be believed. Feel free to record it off the radio (just like old times!) and help me leave it on the voicemail for as many randomly selected extensions at Goldman Sachs as we can.

Listening info is here, including the link that will be available Monday to listen to it from the archives.

Share and enjoy.


February 20, 2010 · by xalieri · Posted in Everything Else  


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