Again and again and again. It’s kind of the point, isn’t it?

The Dead Walk Again!I missed the first anthology, but that’s okay. I have two pieces in this upcoming sequel to the Shocklines best-seller The Dead Walk (Die Monster Die! Books, 2004).

In keeping with the 80s-punk theme of getting Stephen Blickenstaff, artist for the cover of The Cramps’ Bad Music For Bad People, to do our cover, I have a short piece in here called “Too Dead to Walk” (although “Too Dead to Fuck” would be just as appropriate).

I guess if we were going with an 80s-pop theme and had a cover artist from one of Prince’s albums, I would have a piece in here called “2 Ded (2 Walk)”. Maybe next time.

My other piece in this anthology is called “The Spare” and features med students, bowling, cheap beer, and more brutally kick-ass elderly folk of the sort you’ve come to expect from me.

Also, murnkay has stuff in this one, as well as Jim Chambers, CJ Henderson, John French, and a couple of other names you might have heard of but I won’t be able to confirm until I have the proof copy sitting in front of me.

It will be available for purchase in … August? August sounds right.


This overly commercial post has been brought to you by Die, Monster, Die! and SHOCKLINES, premier horror-seller on the web! and all of us authors who stand to make $4.17 apiece on the sales of this book over the next two years.

Thank you.


June 8, 2007 · by xalieri · Posted in Everything Else  


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